Animal Communication • Medical Intuition • Reiki Healing
Terri Steuben has been listening to animals all of her life. She shares her insight and experiences in two wonderful books.
NEW FOR 2021
Secrets of a Pet Whisperer: Stop Telling Your Animals to Misbehave (2nd edition)
Animals think humans do a poor job of communicating. And they're right! In the second edition of Secrets of a Pet Whisperer: Stop Telling Your Animals to Misbehave, Terri shares the simple communication technique she developed for her clients and has taught to owners of dogs, cats, horses, birds, hamsters, snakes, pigs and other animals. She has revised and expanded her popular book that was published almost a decade ago and has helped thousands of families around the world.
You will learn how to use Terri’s “Talking Pictures” so you can start sending clear messages that your pets will understand. She shares the basics of human-animal communication and the over-used phrases and commands you should always avoid. She describes the exact combination of words and thoughts that will enable you to correct bad behaviors like barking, jumping, chewing, kicking and scratching.
In addition, Terri gives advice on what to say in both everyday situations, such as leaving for work or going for a walk, and in special circumstances, like moving or taking your pets on vacation. She provides specific instructions on how to prepare for an emergency and help your pets survive a disaster. She also describes communication concerns at the various stages of an animal’s life. Plus, this second edition features additional information and 20 new topics--including giving medications, preparing for holidays, going for car rides, taking baths, changing diets and encountering wild animals--as well as fun and funny pet stories.
“The common reaction to my book has been that people and their pets seem to become closer. There are fewer commands and less negativity, force and fear. Instead, there is greater cooperation, help for one another and love,” says Terri. “I wrote this new edition so I could cover more subjects and give people, especially those who aren’t able to talk to me, as much information as possible.”
Terri’s insight and advice will give you an appreciation of how animals think and react to what you say…and to what you don’t say. You will discover how effective the right words and thoughts can be. Put Terri’s powerful communication approach to the test. You will see their behavior in a new light, help them be good instead of bad, and deepen the bonds you have with your pets.
Says Terri, “Like us humans, animals have feelings, needs and wants. I believe it is our responsibility to speak to our pets so that we all live great lives together!”
See what readers say about Secrets of a Pet Whisperer
Tails of Triumph: Animals Tell Their Katrina Stories
In her amazing memoir, Terri shares what the animals told her about Hurricane Katrina and “the day the water came.”
Terri kept a journal of her experiences with The Humane Society of the United States in the summer of 2005, as she found and rescued animals in the muddy rubble of New Orleans. Dogs, cats, horses and other creatures that survived Katrina talked to her about their despair, confusion, determination and, ultimately, freedom.
For the first time, you can read the pets’ perspective and their stories of triumph—thanks to Terri, a gifted animal communicator and trained disaster responder.
Along with volunteers and professionals from all over the U.S. and Canada, Terri came into what many described as a “war zone” and searched through flooded streets and houses for animals that survived the flooding. Those pets endured days and nights of heat, humidity, fear and loneliness—often without food and water—until they could be rescued and taken to safety.
Terri’s ability to talk telepathically to animals, her disaster training and her experience working with aggressive dogs made her a valuable asset to the response team. She served alongside firefighters, National Guardsmen, veterinarians and animal control officers to locate and help the pets.
“While all of our team members exhibit a variety of talents, Terri possesses something more—the ability to communicate with animals. She has a way of communicating that seemed to put them at ease, making capture and subsequent handling go even more smoothly.” writes Eric Sakach, HSUS incident commander and senior law enforcement specialist, in the book’s foreword.
That’s because Terri heard what the pets were saying: “I’m over here on top of the refrigerator!” “Is it safe to go with you?” “My head hurts.” “Do you have food?” “Mom said to stay here until she gets back.” “I can leave my yard?” “Fresh air!” “I made it!”
You’ll read—in their own words—the stories of…
• The dog who roamed the streets for food and took mouthfuls back to a little buddy who couldn’t leave their house
• The cat that broke into a kitchen cupboard to get to food and lived quite nicely on toaster pastries
• The guard dog who didn’t want to be rescued because he needed to stay and keep his house safe, only to finally get outside and realize most of it had washed away
• The white horse that waited patiently for weeks for her daddy to find her, and almost broke down the stall when she sensed him coming up the road
• The cats that rationed food and water to make it last, just like their mom told them to do
• The 500-pound pig that weathered the storm and danced with her mama and papa in the backyard
• The fighting dog that wouldn’t fight and was chained under a house without food or water for more than three weeks, then was saved so he could be adopted by a caring, new owner
There’s sadness and joy in these amazing stories. These courageous animals lived through a nightmare and never gave up. There’s also much to learn from them about what our pets think and feel, how strong and resourceful they can be, and the depth of the loyalty and love they have for us. Their words will inspire you and help you better understand the needs and behavior of all animals.
See what readers say about Tails of Triumph
For a limited time, you can order both of Terri's books for $40--that’s a 20% savings.
Go to Amazon or Kobo to buy the "Tails" ebook